Working to conserve and restore water quality and wildlife habitat in Perth inner city catchments
Local Plant Sales
None of the nurseries close to the inner city specialise in local plants and some don't sell any West Australian plants at all! Pretty surprising when you consider that South-West WA is a floral biodiversity hotspot that people come from all over the world to visit in springtime. The plant sales held by the Friends of Kings Park are the one exception to this and part of the inspiration for our local plant sales in Vincent.
The other problem is that many of us know how to grow vegetables, roses and geraniums but there is much less general knowledge in the community about how to grow WA plants and many horror stories of "if you fertilise them they will die" "Australian plants don't need any watering" and "they will only grow in full sun". People also aren't familiar with the many plants available (8,000 species and climbing) so don't know what to choose.
To give Vincent residents a chance to try out local plants for very little cost, the City of Vincent and the CBCG decided to hold plant sales through autumn and spring, selling a range of plants, suitable for local gardens at less than the wholesale price. Horticultural staff are on hand to give advice about plant selection and care.
The plant sales have been held every year since 2005. Because the City of Vincent subsidises the cost of the plants they are only available to Vincent residents.
Details of the next plant sale are available on the City of Vincent web site.
City of Vincent residents can download a Grow Local Plants brochure here or contact us and we'll post you one.
If you live outside the City of Vincent, visit the SERCUL website to download the correct brochure for your soil type (within the Perth Metro Area).
Click here for a list of nurseries that sell local plants, useful books and websites to visit to learn more about growing local plants and encouraging wildlife into your garden.