Working to conserve and restore water quality and wildlife habitat in Perth inner city catchments
Ozone Reserve planting with Ernst & Young
Braving wild weather, twenty-one staff from Ernst & Young helped plant 600 indigenous trees at Ozone Reserve in July 2006.
The Claise Brook Catchment Group thanks the City of Perth, the Swan River Trust and Ernst & Young for supporting this planting
Before starting, the Ernst & Young team reflected on the personal qualities they bring to their organisation, qualities that they want to see grow during the upcoming year. They then set to, making sure that each plant was nurtured with the best care to ensure a good start, just as each person committed to nurturing their own abilities within their organisation.
The planters were so enthusiastic that we had to send for more plants. As we waited, we talked about the connection between the types of plant used in landscaping and the health of the Swan River.
City of Perth horticulturalist, David Hammer, explained the benefits of using indigenous plants for landscaping and how the trees and plants will shelter the park from the city traffic in coming years.
The marquee, provided by the Swan River Trust, was invaluable, providing welcome shelter during a heavy downpour.
Everyone enjoyed getting out of the office into the very fresh air, and even risking a bit of rain. I’m sure we’ll all be going back to check on the progress of “our” trees.
Planting at Ozone Reserve
Rain is good for plants, if not for people
The enthusiastic team from Ernst & Young